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Diesel Fuel Delivery

Affordable New Jersey Diesel Fuel Delivery

Cavalieri Fuel Services offers residents and business owners in New Jersey with affordable diesel fuel delivery options. Our diesel fuel delivery service area extends to customers throughout New Jersey, which includes the counties of Bergen and Passaic, as well as Hudson, Morris and Essex. We offer affordable pricing options for any fuel we deliver, because we want you to be able to fit our fuel comfortably in your budget. We understand how expensive fuel can get, so we aim to make it as affordable as possible. In order to do that, we also offer flexible packages to help you afford it.

Order Now

When you reach out to us, our staff can provide you with a free estimate for our diesel fuel delivery options. So you can decide on what you want before committing to a package. Learn more about diesel fuel and the various fueling options available to you. One type of diesel fuel we sell and deliver is DEF fluid. Ask about it when you contact out team.

Different Diesel Fuel Delivery Options

Diesel Fuel Delivery TruckWe have a few different options when it comes to deliveries of diesel fuel. You have the ability to sign up for automatic deliveries or for a stop-and-go order basis. Our online ordering makes choosing an option simple and easy. Our deliveries can be scheduled available six days a week. So please, think about your needs and choose a fueling delivery method that works best. We pride ourselves on going above and beyond for all of our customers.

Ultra Low Diesel Fuel

In a push to be more eco-friendly, we offer ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. Recently, the EPA has instituted more strict regulations in an attempt to lower the sulfur content in diesel fuel. Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel is a cleaner-burning fuel that contains 97% less sulfur than low-sulfur diesel. The lower sulfur content allows for the application of advanced emissions control technologies and greatly lowers the harmful emissions from diesel combustion. General testing of the fuel has found that the use of emissions control devices in conjunction with ULSD can help to reduce the overall exhaust output of ozone matters. And ultimately, it puts less harmful aerosol particles into the air. We are offering this fuel as part of our desire to provide more clean and efficient fuel to our customers.

Can I Store Diesel Outside for Long Periods of Time?

Diesel fuel is a crucial resource whether it is used to power trucks, generators or any other heavy machinery. However, storing diesel for an extended period of time can be a challenge. Especially when it comes to preserving the fuel quality and preventing contamination with the fuel. There is an aspect called "diesel shelf life." Over time diesel can degrade and lose its effectiveness. When this happens, it can make it difficult to start engines and potentially causing damage to fuel systems. The overall shelf life of diesel fuel can vary depending on a number of factors, including the temperature at which it is stored, the quality of the fuel and the presence of contaminants.

In general, diesel fuel can be stored anywhere between 6 months to 1 year without experiencing significant degradation if it is stored in a clean, dry and cool environment. However, if the diesel fuel is exposed to high temperatures, moisture or other contaminants, then the shelf life can be reduced as a result. So yes, you can store diesel outside for long periods of time. However, these factors determine how long it will last. So be sure to take the proper precautions to protect the fuel from contamination and ensure its longevity. 

Tips for Storing Diesel Fuel Outside

Here are some common tips when dealing with storing diesel fuel outside.

Use a high-quality fuel tank: If you are storing diesel fuel outside after delivery, it is important to use a high-quality fuel tank that is designed for outdoor use. The tank should be made of durable material such as steel or aluminum. The tank should also be equipped with a lockable cap or pump cabinet to prevent any unauthorized access to it.

Keep the fuel tank clean: It is important to keep the fuel tank clean and free from contaminants after the diesel fuel delivery. Before filling the tank, be sure to clean it thoroughly with a detergent solution and rinse with clean water. If you do not do this, then contaminants may be able to get into your fuel.

Protect the tank from the elements: It is wise to place the diesel fuel tank in the shade and covered with a tarp or some other protective covering. This prevents the fuel from being exposed to extreme temperatures, sunlight or moisture.

Regularly check the fuel: It is important to check the fuel at regular intervals for any signs of contamination of degradation. If you notice any problems with the tank, such as water or sediment buildup, then it would be a good idea to clean the fuel tank and potentially replace the fuel. You do not want to be using contaminated fuel.

Invest in the right sized tank: When you make the decision to invest in an onsite tank for your fuel storage, it is important that you get the right sized tank to suit your needs. If the tank you invest in is too big, then the diesel will sit around for a long period of time. This sitting around results in contamination from components such as diesel bug. Keep your diesel in good shape by having the properly sized tank for it.

How to Move Forward With Your Fueling Plan

Before you sign up for any type of on or off site fueling service, you need to create a plan. Here are some factors to consider with diesel fuel delivery.

1. Think About Your Site Requirements

When you opt for on-site fueling, you get diesel fuel delivery right to you. Some services deliver fuel tanks, but then you need to have space for an extra tank, as well as making sure there is no theft. This is a fast solution that will get you the diesel fuel you need. Also, please consider if your fleet returns to your base after each workday or if you leave the machines at each job site. On-site fuel tanks can be beneficial if you transport your heavy equipment each day back to the same site, so your operators can fuel up before leaving. It saves both time and effort as opposed to trucking to a station.

2. Have a Contract with Your Fuel Provider

Choosing to outsource your fuel can reduce unnecessary downtime within your operations. You can trust Cavalieri Fuel Services' fueling options. When you partner with us, we assist you in determining the exact program that works best for your company. Check out our fixed price contracts to learn more.

3. Monitor Daily Fuel Patterns Within Your Fleet

Monitoring fuel patterns can help you remain aware of your fuel usage, determine future requirements and find places where you can make fuel-saving changes before you partner with a diesel fuel delivery service. You will also predict how much fuel you’ll need to be delivered regularly, which is also an aspect our staff can help with. For example, you may notice a particular driver is burning up fuel faster than others. They may be idling for extended periods of time or taking construction equipment where it shouldn’t go. Or perhaps a piece of equipment may be in need of repair and thus is burning through more fuel. Either way, fuel monitoring will help you determine the cause of your fuel expenses. Consider this information before partnering with a fuel delivery service, so you’ll know how much fuel you’ll need per delivery.